Grey Mullet

Grey Mullet

from £10.95

Grey mullet has an oval, elongated silver-grey body, like a bigger and slightly more elegant herring. It often has dark, horizontal lines and has a distinctive, almost earthy flavour. Once it has been cooked it is firm and quite similar to cod.

It is a great favourite with Spanish and French chefs and goes well when steamed with fresh spinach.

Grey Mullet is a great source of selenium, iodine, omega 3 EPA/DHA, phosphorus, vitamin B6 and niacin.


  • The approximate weight of each fish is 1kg

  • As a guide 1 fish feeds approx four

  • Supplied vac-packed, fresh and sealed in a temperature controlled box

  • Suitable for home freezing

  • Please note while every care has been taken to remove bones in fillets, there may be some remaining

Whole Fish or Filleted:
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