Lemon Sole Goujons

Lemon Goujons.jpg

Lemon sole has a sweet, delicious flesh that works very well when breaded and fried. We sell lemon sole already cut into goujons so all you have to do is bread them, fry them and eat them!


50g plain flour
2 free-range eggs
100g fresh breadcrumbs
½ tsp cayenne pepper
½ lemon zest
500g Lemon Sole Goujons
Salt and black pepper
Olive oil, at least 4 tbsp


Create 3 bowls of ingredients:

  • One with flour

  • One with the egg, beaten

  • One with the breadcrumbs, cayenne pepper and lemon zest, mixed

Season each goujon with salt and pepper

Dip each goujons into the flour, then egg, then breadcrumb

Repeat until each is completely coated

Heat the oil in a frying pan

Fry in batches, around 2-3 minutes each side until crisp and golden and cooked through

Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen roll